Thursday, June 19, 2008

JG BAR-10 Bolt Problem Q&A

Q: My jg bar 10 has been having issues with the bolt slaming forward and the sears not catching on the piston.

A: Slamfire can be cause by these things:
1. Screws in your trigger box are loose
2. The spring guide stopper is wiggly.
3. You didn't install (if you recently cleaned your gun) something in your trigger mech or cylinder right.
4. The sears (piston and/or trigger sear are worn and/or broken)
5. The piston is worn out (so it can't be caught).

If your sure it's the sears, make sure your trigger sear isn't broken first.
If it isn't broken, check your piston. Is it worn? If not, move on.
Check the loose screw, if none, move on again.
Check to see if you can wiggle the spring guide stopper back and forth - if there is a lot of action, shim it up. If not much wiggle-ness, move on.
The last thing (assuming you put everything together right) is just the piston sear. I'm not sure if upgraded sears would work with stock sears - you could try though. I'm pretty sure you'll need the PDI trigger sear as well.

** Answer provided by "ihateforwards" from airsoft retreat. Original post from ASR link here: **
We copied part of the thread to help airsofter around. Thanks !

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