Friday, August 15, 2008

JG G36C, MP5 RAS, M4A1 back in stock at

JG MP5 RAS Full Metal Body, Full Stock Version 3 Metal Gear Box AEG

JG M4 A1 Upgraded 2008 version Airsoft Electric Gun [JGF6604]

JG G36C Version 3 Metal Gear Box Airsoft Electric Gun

JG / Jing Gong Airsoft guns, the best Airsoft Gun manufacturer below $200 range. Airsoft player well known JG is the OEM manufacturer of Echo 1. JG in fact has stronger power by installing the M110 spring in all their airsoft guns, which shoot 360-380 fps stock with 0.2g bb. The latest addition of M4 CASV, which installed M120 spring stock, shooting 400-420 fps with 0.2g bb. In compare to Echo 1, it has only M100 spring that shoots 310-330 fps, which is much weaker than JG. JG is well known with high quality, precision, and durability. All of our JG Guns are new models. At, we provide 30 days warranty on all airsoft guns, included JG; this made JG the best choice of airsoft guns. Why pay more to get Echo 1 while is offering 30 days warranty on all JG AEG and stronger power with M110 spring ? Order your JG AEG today. Site:

Select JG Airsoft Guns back in stock!

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