Hey players, thank you for reading our blog. Today we are here to discuss our position on a Serious issue facing airsoft players in Southern California, That is Senate Bill 798.
Should this law pass this will mandate that all Airguns will have to be less realistic by having neon colors or clear plastic - making them distinguishable from real firearms. This not only nullifies the purpose of Airsoft Guns albeit compromise the Tactical aspect of this Mil-sim sport. IT COULD BE DANGEROUS AND DETRIMENTAL TO THE PURPOSE OF THIS SPORT.
And as such, Hitguns.com is against the bill and all that it stands for.
Let me Emphasize that Airsoft Guns ARE NOT TOYS. Hence the realistic function and features of the gun. These guns are meant to be marketed toward the 18 or older age demographic due to the responsibility that comes with owning them.
However, most parents don’t see them as such thus they don’t see the harm; this appears to their choice when they buy these replicas.
While by no means are we scrutinizing the way that the Parents in America raise their youth, we STRONGLY emphasize that you Instruct your children that a gun, even in Replica or toy form-should be treated as a real firearm at all times.
By abolishing their realistic features, this may compromise not only the safety of the person whether they are a child, teenage, or adult, But to our local law enforcement.
While the issue is a valid concern that irresponsibility and seemingly real guns are not a good mix, therein lies in the issue of Irresponsibility; Airsoft guns are not to be treated as a toy, and by making them seem more like a toy- this opens a whole new spectrum of hypothetical disasters that can happen.
The Media has a grim outlook on this recreational sport, thus the attempt to try and make them less realistic seems like a moot resolution to a broader and more focused issue at hand. GUNS AND AIRSOFT GUNS SHARE SIMILAR FEATURES AND SHOULD NOT BE LOOK UPON AS SUCH.
This sport can be fun for all ages, and should you want to protect our right to play our beloved game of airsoft, BE SAFE.
If you want to voice you opinion, contact your senator in the state of California and tell them you are opposed to SB 798. Be polite in doing so, don’t be rude- we don’t want to give Airsoft anymore of a misinformed image than what it already has.
You the players are the reason Airsoft has thrived in the US, and YOU can save Airsoft from the uninformed fate that may befall it.
Stay Safe, shoot straight, HIT HARD from Hitguns.com
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